Not Just “Yes” or “No”
“…Abraham believed in the God … who creates new things out of nothing.”
Romans 4:17 NLT
I am often surprised at how conditioned we have become to think that there are only two solutions to a problem — it’s either “yes” or “no.” It’s either “a” or “b.” For so many groups and individuals the world is black and white.
This is unfortunate. This type of binary thinking seeks oversimplified solutions to problems that really deserve a deeper level of thought.
Take common thought among corporations. We can either keep our employees and pay them a livable wage OR we can let some people go and turn a profit for the shareholders.
I recently heard that 30 years ago many organizations had retirement plans that were “pay-as-you-go.” There was no other way!
But then a group of minorities commissioned some actuarial studies and figured out that there WAS another way! a better way, to over time “fully fund” a retirement plan that offered better benefits to its retirees that allowed them to retire with dignity.
I’m not trying to be long here. But just remember that we are children of an omniscient God. God is creative. (See Genesis chapters 1 and 2 and Romans 4:17.) When you are tempted to prematurely conclude that there is no other way, fall on your knees and confess to Him that while YOU can’t see any other way, you know that He Who spoke every blooming flower into being has a thousand ways. Ask Him to reveal the right one for your challenge.
The LORD will make a way ... somehow.
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