Ezekiel Was Different

 Ezekiel was different. There were many prophets: Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Amos, etc. They were all different. But Ezekiel was REALLY different. His calling was unique.

In Ezekiel 8 he wrote that on September 17, while the leaders of Judah were in his home, Ezekiel went into vision.

A strange figure appears that looks like a man. From the waist down, a burning flame; waist up, gleaming amber. While he’s got company, the figure lifts Ezekiel up out of his home by his hair and takes him to the Temple in Jerusalem. The glory of God meets him there and starts showing him all manner of crazy stuff.

Verse 12 arrests my attention: “Then the LORD said to me, “Son of man, have you seen what the leaders of Israel are doing with idols in dark rooms? They are saying, ‘The LORD doesn’t see us...”

The leaders of Judah were in Ezekiel’s home. They must have thought that their shenanigans were hidden from the prophet. But their foolishness was not hidden from God. (The Omniscient God has night vision.) And God — in the very physical presence of the leaders of Judah — showed Ezekiel the real deal.

Perhaps things are happening that you can’t make sense of. Perhaps there are forces working at cross purposes to your assignment. Don’t worry about it. Keep doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Keep sharing the Good news. Keep walking in His will. They may think they’re slick. But God sees. God knows. And Ezekiel’s experience is a reminder that when you need to know, God will show you what’s really going on.


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