How To Defeat Temptation

Last night at Bible Answers to Today's Questions Dr. Stafford shared with us a practical message on how to conquer temptation. In order to be saved we have to know how to handle temptation.

Dr. Stafford's message was based upon the temptation of Christ in the wilderness as found in Matthew 4:1-11. He made three simple, practical points.

Point #1

"And when the tempter came to him, he saidIf thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread." Dr. Stafford pointed out that none of us have been tempted to turn stones into bread. That was a temptation for God the Son. He said to us that we should not allow EVERYTHING to be a temptation for us. There are some temptations we ought to eliminate immediately.

Point #2
When the temptation comes, find Jesus quickly. Don't try to handle the temptation in your own strength. No, find yourself the Lord. Don't believe you are smart enough to outwit the devil. If the Enemy is tempting you through somebody, don't try to have a rational conversation with them about why you shouldn't engage in whatever it is that is tempting you. The fact is that some people know the ways of the world. Your only safe conversation with them should be, "I am in Jesus and He is not leading me into that!"

Point #3

Get out of the wilderness. If you are being tempted in the wilderness, something has to click in your head that you can't stay in the environment where you keep being tempted. You've got to change people, places and things. We all felt the impact of this point when said, "You cannot stop drinking in the bar." So true!

May God give us victory over Satan and sin as we follow the example of Jesus Christ our Savior!


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