90 Days Thru the Word

Well, we've begun the Journey! And it's exciting. We have partnered with our friends at the Decatur SDA Church to take a journey through the Word of God in 90 Days!

At first it seemed really daunting. But as we've gotten into it, it's not as hard as it seemed. We give up one prime time show or two sitcoms and we've finished our reading.

Not to mention that we're finding that we get a totally different perspective of the Word reading multiple chapters like this. I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm flying rather than driving. Yes, in terms of speed. But more significantly, in terms of perspective. Whenever I fly back into Philadelphia I'm always looking out the window trying to get a perspective of my City that I just can't get when I'm driving on I-76 or I-95. And this 90-day journey is giving some real PERSPECTIVE. (We read Genesis in four days! That's from the Creation story, to the flood, to the Tower of Babel, to Abraham's calling, to Jacob's impatience, to Laban's trickery, to Joseph's brothers' treachery, to Joseph's declaration that what you meant for evil, God meant for good.)

If you haven't started on the journey, let me encourage you to join us. I believe that the specific blessing promised to the readers of the book of Revelation applies to the entire Bible: "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words ... and keep those things which are written therein" (Revelation 1:3). If you don't have the actual Bible where you read 12 pages a day, utilize YouVersion and go to "Reading Plans" which you can access online or download the FREE app for your iPhone or Android OS smartphone.


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